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Directions : Question 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see for words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to choose one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.

Example I
The swimming instructor came... if the apartment was still available.
A. to see
B. seeing
C. saw
D. for seeing

The sentence should be read "The swimming instructor came to see if the apartment was still available." Therefore, you should choose A.

Now begin work on the questions.

1. The committee has met twice and ....
    A. they reached a final decision
    B. a final decision was reached
    C. its decision was reached
    D. it has reached a final decision

2. The manager won't be able to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow because....
    A. he must to give a lecture
    B. he will be giving a lecture
    C. of he will give lecture
    D. he will have giving a lecture

3. Brenda's score on the test is the highest in class.
    A. She should study hard last night.
    B. She should have studied hard last night.
    C. She must have studied hard last night.
    D. She had to study hard last night

4. To answer accurately is more important than...
    A. to finish quickly
    B. a quick finish
    C. you finish it quickly
    D. quick finish

5. Having been served lunch,....
    A. the problems were discussed by the participants.
    B. the participants discuss the problems.
    C. it was discussed by the participants.
    D. A discussion of the problems were made by the participants.

6. East Kalimantan relies heavily on income from oil and natural gas, and....
    A. Aceh province also.
    B. Aceh province too.
    C. Aceh province is as well.
    D. so does Aceh province.

7. The participants have had some problems deciding....
    A. when they should announce the result of the meeting.
    B. when are they sgoing to announce the result of the meeting.
    C. when should they announce the result of the meeting.
    D. the time when the result of the meeting to announce.

8. This year will be more difficult for our organization because....
    A. we have less money and volunteers than last year.
    B. there is a little money and volunteers than last year.
    C. it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year.
    D. it has fewer money and less volunteers than it had last year.

9. Professor Baker told his students that...
    A. they can turn over their reports on Mondays.
    B. the reports can turn over on Monday.
    C. they could hand in their reports on Monday.
    D. the reports they can hand in on Monday.

10. The adder is a venomous snake ... bite may prove fatal to humans.
      A. its
      B. whom its
      C. that
      D. whose

11. .... a bee colony gets, the more the queen's egglaying capability diminishers.
      A. It is more overcrowded.
      B. The more overcrowded.
      C. More overcrowded than.
      D. More than overcrowded.

12. The chairwoman requested that ....
      A. the participants studied more careful the problem.
      B. the participants study the problem more carefully.
      C. the participants studied  the problem with more careful.
      D. the problem be studied more carefully.

13. Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours ... once every ten hours.
      A. the rotation of Jupiter
      B. Jupiter rotates
      C. Jupiter rotation
      D. Jupiter rotate

14. Jackson,... capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.
      A. the
      B. it is the
      C. is the
      D. where the

15. The various types of bacteria are classified according to...shapes.
      A. whose
      B. how they are
      C. have
      D. their

1. D                         11. B                      
2. B                         12. B                      
3. C                         13. B                       
4. A                         14. A                       
5. B                         15. D                      
6. D                         
7. C                         
8. C                         
9. C                         

Questions 1 through 10 are based on the following passage.

Lichens, of which more than twenty thousand
species have been named, are complex associations
between certain algae. The lichen itself is not
an organism: rather it is the morphological and biochemical
product of the association. Neither a fungus
nor an alga alone can produce lichen.

The intimate relationship between these two
living components of lichen was once erroneously
though to represent mutualism. In mutual relationships,
both participants benefit. With lichens, however,
it appears the fungus actually parasitizes the algae.
This is one of the conclusions drawn from experiments
 in which the two components of lichens were separated
 and grown apart.

In nature, lichen fungi may encounter and
grow around saveral kinds of algae. Some types of
algae the fungi may kill; other types it may reject.
Lichen algae are autotrophic, meaning they make their
own food through photosynthesis. Lichen fungi are
heterotrophic, meaning they depend upon the algae
within the lichen to supply their food. Up to ninety
percent of than food made by the green alga cell is
transferred to the fungus. What, if anything, the fungus
contributes to the association is not well understood.

Lichens are hardly. The grow in many habitats
and are often pioneers in hostile environments
where few other organisms can flourish.

They have been known to grow
endolithically, having been discovered thriving inside
of rocks in Antartica. Lichen help reduce erosion by
stabilizing soil. Saveral kinds of insects glue lichens to
 their exoskeletons for camouflage.

Many species of birds use lichens as building
materials for nests. Human have used lichens for
dyes and antibiotics.

1. Which of the following best describes lichen association?
    A. Simple plants made of two different autotrophic organims.
    B. A mutual association between a fungus and an alga
    C. A parasitic association between two fungi, one autotrophic, the second autotrophic
    D. A union between a parasitic fungus and an autotrophic alga

2. The word "hardly" in line 26 is clossest in meaning to
    A. Tender
    B. Durable
    C. Armed
    D. Beneficial

3. In Biology, mutualism occurs when two different organism live close together and
    A. One organism parasitizes the other
    B. Both organism benefit from the association
    C. Both organism are harmed by the association
    D. One organism benefits while the other does not or is harmed by the association

4. In line 7, the word "intimate" is nearest in meaning to
    A. living
    B. Extraordinary
    C. Biological
    D. Close

5. Lichen serves as camouflage for which of the following?
    A. Insects
    B. Birds
    C. Reptiles
    D. Mammals

6. The true nature of the relationship between the lichen components was clarified by
    A. Examining lichens with a microscope
    B. Observing lichens palced in the dark
    C. Observing the lichen component when grown apart
    D. Decreasing the amount of nutrients available to the lichens

7. In line 27, the word "hostile" is clossestnin the meaning to
    A. Unusual
    B. Cool
    C. Untraveled
    D. Inhospitable

8. An endolithic lichen is one that
    A. Grows in the canopies of trees
    B. Grows inside rocks
    C. Grows at very high altitudes
    D. Grows inside other organism, including other lichens

9. Many lichens contribute at the communities they in habits by

    A. Removing pollutants from the air
    B. Controlling wood-rotting fungi
    C. Slowing the spread of viruses
    D. Reducing soil erosion

Question 11 through 20 are based on the following passage.

        When buying a house, you must be sure to
have it checked for termites. A termite is much like an
ant in its communal habits, although physically the
two insects are distinct.
        Like those ants, termite colonies consist of
different classes, each with its own particular job. The
most perfectly formed termites, both male and
female, make up the productive class. They have eyes,
hard body walls and fully developed wings. A pair of
reproductive termites founds the colony. When new
reproductive termites develop, they leave to form
another colony. They use their wings only this on time
and then break them off.
        The worker termites are small, blind and
wingless, with soft bodies. They make up the majority
of the colony and do all the work. Soldiers are
eyeless and wingless but are larger than the workers
and have hard heads and strong jaws and legs. They
defend the colony and are cared for by the workers.
        The male and female of the reproductive
class remain inside a closed-in cell when the female
lays thousands of eggs. The workers place the eggs
in cell and care for them. Even if one colony is treated
with poison, if a male and female of the reproductive
class escape, they can form a new colony.
         Pest control companies can inspect a house
for infestation of termites. Often, of lay person can not
spot the evidence, so it is critical to have the opinion
of a proffesional. Treatments vary depending upon
the type of termite.

10. How are termites like ants?
      A. They live in communities, and each class has a specific duty
      B. Their bodies are the same shape
      C. The king and queen are imprisoned
      D. The females' reproductive capacities are the same

11. The word "communal" in line 3 is closest in meaning to
      A. Eating
      B. Reproducing
      C. Organizational
      D. Social

12. Which of the following is not true?
      A. All termites have eyes
      B. Some termites cannot fly
      C. Workers are smaller than soldiers
      D. Termites do not fly often

13. In line 4, the word "distinct" is closest in meaning to
      A. Similar
      B. Different
      C. Genetically related
      D. Strong

14. In line 6, "classes" is closest in meaning to
      A. Sexes
      B. Colonies
      C. Courses
      D. Categories

15. Which of the following statements is probably true?
      A. Thousands of termites may move together to develop a new colony
      B. The male and female reproductions do not venture outdoors except
           to form a new colony.
     C. There are more soldiers than workers
     D. A worker could easily kill a soldier

16. The word "founds" in line 10 is nearest in meaning to
      A. Establishes
      B. Destroys
      C. Control
      D. Guards

17. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
      A. Termites Destroy Houses
      B. Termites Work Well Together
      C. The Habits and Physical Characteristics of Termites
      D. The relationship of Soldier and Worker Termites

18. The word "each" in line 6 refers to
      A. Ants
      B. Colonies
      C. Jobs
      D. Classes

1. B                   10. A
2. B                   11. D
3. B                   12. B
4. D                   13. B
5. A                   14. D
6. C                   15. B
7. A                   16. A
8. C                   17. C
9. D                   18. B


The structure and written expression is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with special directions for each type.

Part A: Structure

Directions : Question 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see for words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to choose one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.

Example I
The swimming instructor came... if the apartment was still available.
A. to see
B. seeing
C. saw
D. for seeing

The sentence should be read "The swimming instructor came to see if the apartment was still available." Therefore, you should choose A.

Now begin work on the questions.

1. The committee has met twice and ....
    A. they reached a final decision
    B. a final decision was reached
    C. its decision was reached
    D. it has reached a final decision

2. The manager won't be able to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow because....
    A. he must to give a lecture
    B. he will be giving a lecture
    C. of he will give lecture
    D. he will have giving a lecture

3. Brenda's score on the test is the highest in class.
    A. She should study hard last night.
    B. She should have studied hard last night.
    C. She must have studied hard last night.
    D. She had to study hard last night

4. Mother wanted to serve some coffee to my guests; however....
    A. she hadn't many coffee.
    B. there is not a great amount of coffee.
    C. she didn't have my coffee.
    D. she was out of coffee.

5. Having been served lunch,....
    A. the problems were discussed by the participants.
    B. the participants discuss the problems.
    C. it was discussed by the participants.
    D. A discussion of the problems were made by the participants.

6. East Kalimantan relies heavily on income from oil and natural gas, and....
    A. Aceh province also.
    B. Aceh province too.
    C. Aceh province is as well.
    D. so does Aceh province.

7. The participants have had some problems deciding....
    A. when they should announce the result of the meeting.
    B. when are they sgoing to announce the result of the meeting.
    C. when should they announce the result of the meeting.
    D. the time when the result of the meeting to announce.

8. This year will be more difficult for our organization because....
    A. we have less money and volunteers than last year.
    B. there is a little money and volunteers than last year.
    C. it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year.
    D. it has fewer money and less volunteers than it had last year.

9. Professor Baker told his students that...
    A. they can turn over their reports on Mondays.
    B. the reports can turn over on Monday.
    C. they could hand in their reports on Monday.
    D. the reports they can hand in on Monday.

10. The adder is a venomous snake ... bite may prove fatal to humans.
      A. its
      B. whom its
      C. that
      D. whose

11. .... a bee colony gets, the more the queen's egglaying capability diminishers.
      A. It is more overcrowded.
      B. The more overcrowded.
      C. More overcrowded than.
      D. More than overcrowded.

12. The chairwoman requested that ....
      A. the participants studied more careful the problem.
      B. the participants study the problem more carefully.
      C. the participants studied  the problem with more careful.
      D. the problem be studied more carefully.

13. Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours ... once every ten hours.
      A. the rotation of Jupiter
      B. Jupiter rotates
      C. Jupiter rotation
      D. Jupiter rotate

14. Jackson,... capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.
      A. the
      B. it is the
      C. is the
      D. where the

15. The various types of bacteria are classified according to...shapes.
      A. whose
      B. how they are
      C. have
      D. their

Part B: Written Expression
Directions : In question 16-40, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

Look the examples.

Example I
Brenda must have called her brother last night, but she arrived home too late to call him.
                      A                                                            B                 C             D
The sentence should be read "Brenda should have called her brother last night, but she arrived home too late to call him." Therefore, you should choose A.

Now begin work on the questions.
16. If you buy one box at the regular price, you would receive
                  A                           B                            C
      another one at no extra cost.

17. Located in the cranial cavity in the skull, the brain is the larger
                 A                                                                       B
      mass of nerve tissue in the human body.
                          C                            D

18. Professor Duncan recommended that we are present at the reception
                                                                   A                       B
      this afternoon in order to meet the representatives from the Ford Foundation.
                                   C                                 D

19. There have been little change in the patient's condition since she was
                 A                      B                            C
      moved to the intensive care unit.

20. As a new employee, your duties are mailing the correspondence,
      receive phone calls, and calling the members before meeting.
              B                                           C                        D

21. Passengers are able to clearly see the outline of the whole isolated island 
             A                            B             C                                        D
      from the air plane.

22. Like others from energy, natural gass may be used to heat homes, run
                  A                                   B                C    
      automobiles, and cook food.

23. Neither of the two candidates who had applied for the Industrial
                   A                                               B
      Engineering Department were  eligible for the scholarship.
                                              C                                  D

24. Having choose the topic for their essays, the students were instructed
                A                                    B                                       C
      to make either a preliminary outline or a rough draff.

25. If he would have lived a little longer, he probably would have won
                      A                        B                   C                          D
      the presidential election.

26. Despite the increase in airfares in Indonesia during the monetary crisis,
          A                               B                                             C
      most people still prefer travel by air.

27. This tea pot has the same design, but it is different shaped from that one.
                                      A                                B          C                 D

28. Voslov Nijinsky achieved world recognition at both dancer and
                                   A                  B                C       D
      a choreographer.

29. After the runner had run for a half mile, he had passed the stick
                                  A                 B                      C
     to the next runner.

30. The prices of cars are as high that most people can not afford to buy them.
            A                        B                     C                    D

31. The students wish that their university is as large as State University because
              A                                              B
their facilities are more limited than theirs.
             C                                         D

32. Since infection can cause both fever as well as pain, it is good idea to check
                                              A                   B       C
the patient's temperature.

33. Despite of heavy rain and snow there are always more than 100 thousands fans
       A               B                              C                                                   D
      at the football games.

34. This new model not only saves energy but also times by operating two batteries
                                  A                     B                   C
      instead of four.

35. The purpose of traveler's cheque is to protect travelers from theft, robbery,
                                           A                   B             C
      and lost.

36. After studying all the new materials more seriously, the students were able
             A                                                        B              
      to rise their test scores by thirty-five point.
           C                                             D

37. The volume two of my encyclopedic set has been missing for 2 months.
                A                                 B                              C                 D

38. I suggest that my brother goes to the doctor as soon as he returns from exam.
            A                              B                                C                 D

39. You had better to change your study habits it you hope to be admitted 
                                   A                      B                                      C
      to a state university next year.

40. Mr. David used to jogging in the crisp morning air during the winter months,
                        A                                         B                                      C
      but now he has stopped.

1. D                         11. B                       21. B                    31. B
2. B                         12. B                       22. A                    32. B
3. B                         13. B                       23. C                    33. C
4. C                         14. A                       24. A                    34. C
5. B                         15. B                       25. A                    35. D
6. D                         16. B                       26. D                    36. C
7. A                         17. B                       27. C                    37. A
8. C                         18. A                       28. D                    38. B
9. C                         19. A                       29. C                    39. A
10.D                        20. B                       30. B                    40. A


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